why ooo why...
>> You know what happened to me today??? he called me again....haiz...ssh ke ak nk bwat die phm??? ak tknk ade pape ngn die dh... kalu die btul2 nk ak maafkn die... knape die tkleh juz leave me alone...juz for once i need him to understnd... slma ni... it'z always bout him... i'll always need to understnd him... always need to be patient..knpe die tkleh bwat?? tlg lah... nape die tk abs2 nk menyekse ak...siyesly i don't want to have anything wit him... kalu die nk ak lupekan sumenye... die pn msti tlg ak.... mesti stop cntcting me... luke ni..luke ni terlalu dlm.... ak tkleh lupekn cmtu je... cube die jdi ak?? ak..ak...haiz... ak tknk crik gduh dh.. ak dh pnt.... i juz want him to stop ok... stop bothering me.... kalu bleh merayu ak merayu... i juz want to strt my new life... i don't care ape yg org kate... i don't care kalu diowang swuh ak lupekn sumenye and berbaik balik dgn die...plzzzz... don't push me.... ak tkleh bwaat mase nih.... btul2 tklh... kalu die nk berbaik ngn ak pun.. i'm soooooo sorry... ak tkleh nk bwat sume tuh... i still need a whole lot of time.... can't anyone juz understnd my feelings??? Ya Allah tlg lah tabahkn ati hamba Mu ini.... tyme... yes that what i need now... bkn ke ni sume yg die nk dulu??? ak tk phm ap sbnrnye die nk expect ak bwat... honestly i still a weak person.. there.. i said it already... he can be happy what, even i'm not araond.. he still can smile rite even i am not his friend or apart of his life... sooo what more he want from me... he still can have his life even ak tk wujud.... soooo tlglah... ak btul2 nk kehidupan yg bru.... i'm trying very hard here....haiz... and he still can ask me to follow him to ieja's house?? i can't believe die tkleh nk phm perasaan ak yg hancur brkecai sbb die...and die still bleh ckp cmni" dhlah tuh..lupekn sumenye...tkyh nk bnci..bnci..dh..." haiz... i don't noe what to say.... die igt kngn yg bgtu pahit bg ak bleh dilupekn bgitu sje?? die tk igt ke ak pernh ckp... yg ak tkkn maafkn die... maybe satu ari nanti ati ak akn lmbut and i expct wktu tuh die tkde kene mengene lg dlm hidup ak...and kemaafan tuh diucp oleh kate2 atiku yg setelah sekian lame pulih dngn perlahannye...haiz.. juz diz one...plz understnd me... ak tk pernh mntk kat die ape2 sblm nih... and for this... the first and last tyme.. ak mintk dr die... tlg lah phm perasaan ak yg btul2 terluke... and juz let me be... maybe mase yg menentukan pertemuan ak dn die.... and wktu tu.... luke yg tgl hnye tgl parut yg mmberikan kesan...
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