berBuke Pose beRamai2 di Sate Hj.Samuri,KaJang..
>>well…wel… akhirnye..rabu(24/9/08) tercapai gak hasrat kitowang nk bwat bke pose beramai2…wlpn tk cukup owng tpi at least kitowng epy that day..kepade kengkwan ku yg tk dpt hadir…it’z ok…there’s still a next tyme….ahaks… tpi malam tuh mmg meriah…. mmg besh lah…. byk gile sate yg downg order… still ade yg tk abs…… ahks… byk gk lah tk abisnye…tpi…epey jdik penyelamat nye…perut die tuh tk thu lah ape yg boleh isi:P…tpi bdn kecik jerk…lelaki…mkn byk pon tk gemuk gak…tpi bile dh kawin…ahakz…..buncit lah almatnye….ahakz…:P so,,,, for my fwen of MBMT recruits…thx for the lovely evening…. I really will rmmber that moment… will be one of my kenangan terindah… and maybe bile dh akhir sem kite bleh bwat jamuan perpisahn extravanganza you guys….i’ll look forword for it…
*me wit ika...ika dh kekenyangn dh tuh..ahks:P
*hohoho meriah nmpk:D
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