My WoRLd=)



>My Buddies:)<

Friday, September 26, 2008

My FiRsT BlOg EnTery...

  • >>Hello world!! this is my first blog entry...hohohoho bkn nye ssh nk bwat pon..ahaks...skng nih wktu cuti ak...cuti rye lah katekn:D...hemmm..dh dkt 2 thun ak stdy kat MFI..memcm dh jdi kat ak...dr being a great epy gurl with smeone to care of till i become a heart broken gurl... but...what to do...that's life...and life must go on...idup mesti epy..itulah prinsip yg ak gne sjak peristiwa itam tuh... tpi nk bwat cmne...first love tk semestinye berakhir ngn kebhgiaan..ak sedar ak masih mde ag... and byk lagi mase ak leh pikir pasal cintan cintun nih.... kalu die nk dtg..die akn dtg...but it will come when kte dh btul2 find the rigth person rigth??:D And bnde..bnde cmni lah yg akn mematngkn kite...mmbuatkn kite lebih berhati-hati dlm mmbuat pilihan...kite tk perlu risau..sbb sume org ade jodoh die sndri.. Allah dh tetapkn jodoh tok sume org..cume mase yg menentukan kite akn jumpe org tuh bile.... And dlm wktu2 fwen byk supporting me,....and all thx to them i gain my strength back.... now i realize that fwen are really important in my life....XOXO...luv u guys.... bkn sng kite nk epy... dalm kegembiraan mesti ade kedukaan..owg lain tkkn thu ape yg kite rase..begitulah sebalik nye... bg ak.... bwat ape lg kite mgharap...kite mngis....kalu dri dihargai oleh org yg kite syg spenuh ati...lupekan sje lah kepada owg yg tk sudi...byk lagi yg menanti... cume kite je yg kene usaha tok mencarinye.. and masa yg mmbawa kite kpd saat itu...ahaks.. for now... i happy with my life.... hidup single lg best.... tkyh risau pasal kite ade bwat salah atau tk..kite ade curang atau tk... and tk perlu fikir pasal org itu setiap ari.. and kredit... of course.... will remain save all the time..ahaks... but i still have my fwens to care bout family who luv me more than anyone in this world and my pets...... that can make me laugh with downg nye kerenah....But still.... believe me... ssh nk lupekan cinta pertama....cinta pertama lah pling perit apbila kite memtuskan tok berpisah..... sshkn?? lg..lg...bile cinta pertame tu jugak adelah cinta monyet kite...:D cnta pertama tetap will be cinta pertama forever.... kepercyaan yg diberi musnh di tgh jln..and harapan tgl lah harapan...biarlah... die yg memulakan harapan dn keprcyaan tuh and die jge lah yg musnahkan kedue2nye.... ak redha...maybe die bkn jdoh's ok it's alrigth...i can smile now...wlpn pade hakikatnye...byk persoalan yg belum terjwab...mmg nk sgt thu jwpn nye..tpi ini yg die nk....tpi tk mungkin ak akn berbaik dgn nye....walau cmne skali pon..luke nih betul..betul..dalam... to all my fwens who read this blog...and maybe my family...don't worry i have already overcome with this feeling... tkde nenangis dh... juz nak express jer... after alll this is my blog...and it is all bout me that i wanted to share with you guys... and lot of hug and kisses... form me...XOXO...

1 comment:

  1. aiMi....shabatkue...sdih cter ka!!!
    im proud of ue,bcos ue r strong dude...even dilukai,ko tetap tabah..aimi,xsmo bnd yg kita impikan akan jd kenyataan kwan,,wlau papepown,hidup msti diteruskan,,die bkan yg terbaik tuk ko aimi...aimi,aku mntak maaf atas dse kwn aku...msew skool lue aku mmg nk ckp psl die xsmpai ati n tkut ko xcye mie...mie,maafkan aku...aku dea jugak tau skandal2 die aku xtau nk ckp cmn kat aku daa sound direct kat die,,tp die ckp die syg ko,,die tpu aku aimi,yg plg myakitkan,die menipu ko aimi,,,ue r stron frenz...


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